

Butler Fuqua

Aspriring Filmmaker


👋 Hi, I'm Butler. I've dreamed about making movies for as long as I can remember. Life has taken serveral turns, but I am now fufilling that dream.

This site

This website is here so people can follow my journey and get involved. The plan is to make as many short films I can in 2024 as I learn the craft and launch myself into the field of filmmaking.



The email list is the best way to stay connected. I rarely send anything out, so you can trust anything you get from me will actually mean something. Also, I won't share your email. I'm not on social media, but i'll send an email if that changes.

Get involved

The email list is the [currently] the best way to get notifed of information on how to get involved with a project.


Have a question? Feel free to use the contacts page to send me a message.